Dear MADE IN THE STREETS Family and Friends,
Like many of you, we are prayerfully navigating the current COVID-19 global pandemic and learning to operate in a “new normal." We hope and pray that this finds each of you safe and healthy. Last week we were all faced with changes and disruptions that led to the cancellation and postponement of many trips and events scheduled for the next few months. The MITS team in the US and in Kenya has been monitoring the virus outbreak and working thoughtfully to address current and future challenges – and determine the best paths forward.
Here’s an update on the current situation in Kenya:
As of today, March 19, seven cases have been confirmed in the country of Kenya. All confirmed cases have been brought in through international travel. The government is taking serious action and putting in steps to control the spread of COVID-19. This includes blocking inbound travel to Kenya to all except citizens and residents and the shutting down of all schools – both public and private schools, as well as boarding schools and universities.
In addition, the government is encouraging employers to allow employees to work from home and for all Kenyans to follow WHO recommendations for social distancing.
Since school has been suspended country-wide, MITS has taken the following steps to minimize exposure:
Students are not meeting as a large group for chapel each day, but rather meeting in very small groups in their dorms each morning for prayer, worship, and encouragement;
Students are not in classrooms at the Learning Center for daily instruction, but they are working on lessons independently and in small groups in their residences;
Skills students are attending skills training for limited time each morning, then working independently in the afternoon.
All students are staying within their respective residences.
Although other boarding schools across Kenya are shutting down and sending students home, MITS students do not have this option. You can be assured that all students enrolled at MITS are being completely cared for on the MITS campus – arrangements have been made for MITS to continue full boarding and proper care of all students.
MITS team members who live outside the MITS compound in Kamulu are working from home and only coming to the Skills Center when absolutely necessary.
Visitors and volunteers are not allowed at the MITS compound at this time.
All MITS team members, families, and students are practicing social distancing; avoiding groups and gatherings over 10; washing and sanitizing their hands often; and washing their clothes and residences regularly.
MITS street team has been forced to suspend daily work with street boys and girls and temporally close the MITS drop-in center in Eastleigh as of Wednesday, March 18. The team shared this news with the street boys and girls on Tuesday and is working with government authorities and other non-profits to help find services for the thousands of kids left uncared for and struggling on the streets. As you can imagine, this suspension of services to street kids has taken an emotional toll on the team and the kids.
Students and staff have been educated on proper hand washing techniques and how to watch for and respond to symptoms of COVID-19 by our local medical professionals.
The team has put plans in place for stocking up on all essentials and will be making limited trips to the market for supplies each month. They have contingency plans in place to ensure adequate food and supplies for MITS students should country-wide shortages occur.
The team is educating the students on this virus but also encouraging them and helping them feel safe. Most importantly, they are reminding them of God’s goodness and faithfulness in times of crisis and in times of peace. The students remain in high spirits and are thankful for your thoughts, prayers, and encouragement.
The leadership team is meeting several times a week to continue to monitor and make changes as needed to our plans.
Regarding other issues:
All foreign and domestic travel for MITS staff and volunteers has been suspended until further notice.
All March, April, and May gatherings and events in the US and Kenya have been postponed or canceled.
MITS does not currently have any college interns serving in Kenya. A decision regarding interns planning to depart for Kenya in mid-May will be made the first week of April.
MITS does not currently have any mission trips on site in Kenya. A decision regarding upcoming mission trips slated for this year will be made the first week of April.
During these uncertain times, regular monthly giving and monthly sponsorships are critical for providing ongoing monthly expenses.
There are still many unknowns at this time. Dealing with change and navigating these unknowns is tough, but we feel optimistic and ready to keep the students and staff at MITS healthy and well - which is our number one priority. We also feel concerned and uneasy about this pandemic and how it may negatively impact this year’s fundraising and our ability to provide all the necessary resources for MITS’s mission of loving and serving street kids in Kenya. We covet your prayers and appreciate your continued support. We have a great global family of MITS partners and a great hope in the One who guides our path. As we say often at MITS, “God is Good….All the time.” We will be providing additional updates as they become available and reaching out soon to ask for your assistance. Stay tuned for additional emails and follow MITS social media pages for more news and information.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support for MADE IN THE STREETS. And thank you for showing and sharing the love of God to street kids!
With much love and thanks,
Brad Voss
Executive Director