The summer months are visitor season at MITS, as well as a time to welcome new students to Kamulu! It's exciting for our students and staff to have visitors because the students have new friends to play with and our staff members have helpers in the classroom and in the kitchen with the day to day tasks. Our groups who head out to the Eastleigh center also get to see the transformative power of Christ as He works through our Eastleigh staff.
To our visitors who will be joining us this summer (or already have), Karibu! Karibu is 'welcome' in Swahili, and the MITS family is ready to welcome you to Kamulu.
We are also excited to welcome new students to the MITS campus! We have welcomed 15 new students - 7 boys and 8 girls - this month, and we look forward to seeing what God will do in their lives at MITS and after.
Have you visited MITS before? Will you visit for the first time this summer or are you a seasoned vet? Tell us about your experience and how you saw God at work! Tell us what you're excited to do and to see. But most importantly, know that there is always a place for you in the family of Christ.